The Attributeerror str object has no attribute read error usually occurs when you used the read() method on a string instead of a file object. We also get the same error, when we tried to use the json.load() method by mistake. The error might seem to be complex and frustrating but it is easy to solve. In this short article, we will discuss how we can solve the error using various methods. Moreover, we will learn how to interpret and understand errors in Python taking Attributeerror str object has no attribute read as an example.
How to Solve Json Attributeerror str object has no attribute read ?
The Attributeerror str object has no attribute read error mostly occurs when you tried to use the read method on a string (file name) rather than on a file object. Another main reason could be when you use the json.load() method by mistake. In any case, if you are getting this error, here we will solve it.

Using read() Method
Let us first take an example to see in what scenarios we get Attributeerror str object has no attribute read error. Let us assume that we have a file named ‘file.txt’ in the same directory and we want to open it as shown below:
# reading the file
text_file = "file.txt"
# opening the file
with open(text_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
# reading the file ( erro occurs here)
read =
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_82029/ in <module>
7 # reading the file ( erro occurs here)
----> 8 read =
9 print(read)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'read'
As you can see, we got the error because we are using the read() method on the file which is string type.
How to Fix the Issue With read() Method?
The common mistake that we have done in the previous example is we used the read() method on a string file rather than the file object. So, in order to get rid of AttributeError str object has no attribute read error, we need to use the read() method on the file object as shown below:
# reading the file
text_file = "file.txt"
# opening the file
with open(text_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
# reading the file
read =
this is file
Notice that we were opening the file as f, and then reading it with file.txt which is a string of filename. The actual file object was in variable f as we opened the file as f.
Using json.load()
You might also get errors when dealing with JSON library. Usually, the error comes from the JSON response as shown below:
# importing json
import json
# creating a variable
json_response = '{"website_name":"Data Science Learner"}'
# loading the json
res = json.load(json_response)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_82029/ in <module>
7 # loading the json
----> 8 res = json.load(json_response)
/usr/lib/python3.10/json/ in load(fp, cls, object_hook, parse_float, parse_int, parse_constant, object_pairs_hook, **kw)
291 kwarg; otherwise ``JSONDecoder`` is used.
292 """
--> 293 return loads(,
294 cls=cls, object_hook=object_hook,
295 parse_float=parse_float, parse_int=parse_int,
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'read'
Notice that we got the error because again we are using the json.load() method on a string rather than on an object.
Fix json.load() Method
To fix the error, you need to use the json.loads() method instead of json.load(). Let us see, how we can fix the error:
# importing json
import json
# creating a variable
json_response = '{"website_name":"Data Science Learner"}'
# loading the json
res = json.loads(json_response)
# printing
{'website_name': 'Data Science Learner'}
Notice that we get rid of AttributeError str object has no attribute read error.
Alternative Method to Solve the Error
One of the alternative methods to get rid of any kind of error in Python is to use the try-except block. The try-except block in Python helps us to handle errors. If there is an error in the try block, then the code inside the except block will be executed without getting the error as shown below:
# importing json
import json
# creating a variable
json_response = '{"website_name":"Data Science Learner"}'
# loading the json
res = json.load(json_response)
# printing
print("The file couldnt load")
The file couldnt load
Noticed that instead of crashing the script, we handled the error using the try-except blocks:
Understanding AttributeError str object has no attribute read Error
In Python, the errors usually have two main parts which help us to figure out the error and solve it. The first part of the error represents the category of the error. In our case the category of the error is AttributeError. The second part of the error gives more specific information about the error. For example, in our case, it says the str object has no attribute read which means we are trying to read the string object using the read method:
Why we are getting AttributeError in Python?
The AttributeError in Python occurs when we try to use the method on an object that does not have such a method or operation. For example, we know that we can append elements to the list using the append method. But if we will use the append method to append new characters to the string, we will get an AttributeError as shown below
# string object
string ="Bashir"
# appending new character
This will raise an attribute error as the string object does not have an attribute named append.
What is str in Python?
The str in Python is used to represent the string data type. A string is a data type that contains a sequence of characters. In Python, anything that we will write inside quotation marks will be considered a string. For example, the following are some of the examples of str objects in Python:
# string objects
string1 ='B'
string2 ="a"
string3 ='2343'
string4 ='[this is me]'
Each character in the str object can be accessed by using indexing. In Python, the indexing starts from 0 which represents the first element, and so on.
How to Read a File in Python?
In Python, we use the open() method in order to open a file. If the file is in txt format then the open() method is the most suitable method to open the file. If the file is in CSV, JSON, or Excel format, then the pandas module is the best to open and access the file.
In this short article, we discussed how we can solve the AttributeError Error using various methods. In general, we discussed three methods to solve the error. Moreover, we discussed how we interpret and understand errors in Python by taking AttributeError str object has no attribute read Error as an example.