ImportError numba needs numpy 1.21 or less

ImportError numba needs numpy

Sometimes, while working with numpy module, we may face Importerror: numba needs numpy 1.21 or less error which occurs when there is a conflict between the versions of NumPy and Numba. The simplest method to get rid of the error is to upgrade the modules. In this short article, we will discuss how we can … Read more

NameError Name GridSearchCV is Not Defined

When you are working with Machine learning models and want to get accurate results, you mostly use hyperparameter tuning methods. One of the famous hyperparameter tuning methods is GridSearchCV if you are getting NameError: Name GridSearchCV is Not Defined error when implementing GridSearchCV using Python and sklearn module. Then it is because you are either … Read more

Hyperparameter Tuning of KNN (K-nearest Neighbour) in Python

sklearn knn algorithm

This article will explain the hyperparameter tuning of KNN algorithm using the two most common methods which include the error graph and the GridSearchCV. The k-nearest Neighbour algorithm, also known as KNN is a supervised machine learning algorithm that predicts the classification problems. This algorithm is best to use when we have a small dataset … Read more