ZeroDivisionError: Division by Zero in Python

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero error occurs in Python when you tried to divide an integer value with a zero. In mathematics, dividing something with zero is not allowed, and similarly, in Python, it is also not allowed. In this short article, we will discuss how we can solve and handle ZeroDivisionError: division by zero error … Read more

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python to Compress Image


Principal component analysis in Python (PCA) is one of the best and simplest techniques for dimensionality reduction. Dimensionality reduction is simply the transfer of data from high dimensions to low dimensions by retaining all the important attributes and features. The PCA algorithms transform the highly correlated attributes into simple linear uncorrelated ones. In this article, … Read more

Sklearn StandardScaler With Examples

Sklearn standardscaler converts the numeric data to a standard scale which is then easy for the machine learning model to analyze. It has been observed that machine learning models perform better when the data is scaled in some specific range, especially the algorithms that are highly dependent on the weight of the input values like … Read more

K-means Clustering in Python Visualization and Implementation

K-means clustering

Unsupervised Learning analyzes and groups unlabeled datasets using machine learning algorithms to find hidden patterns or data groupings without the assistance of a person. Algorithms for unsupervised learning are divided into two categories clustering and association rules. The k-means clustering in Python is one of the clustering methods used in machine learning which belongs to … Read more

Install Pandas on Jupyter Notebook in 4 Ways

Install pandas

Jupyter Notebook is a web-based application that helps us to create Python notebooks and write our code there. Unlike other IDE or text editors, Jupyter Notebook does not have any terminal from where you can install modules. However, to install the module on Jupyter Notebook, you need to run the command inside the cell. In this … Read more